Exploring The Levels and Causes of Writing Attitude and Anxiety Among Indonesian EFL Students

Halimah Tussa'diah, Aulia Hermi Putri


This research aimed at exploring the levels and causes of writing attitude and writing anxiety in the 8th semester students of English Education at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara by using the theory of Ismail for writing attitude, and Cheng and Younas, et al for writing anxiety. Quantitative research was applied, with a total 60 students by using Sugiono’s theory. The researcher applied random sampling with 32 samples. A questionnaire was prepared with 31 questions. The data included descriptive statistics and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Test. Somatic anxiety type with a medium level of anxiety and linguistic difficulties were the most common causal factors. The correlation coefficient between Writing Anxiety and Writing Attitude were 0.484 indicating a significant relationship between Writing Anxiety and Writing Attitude, with a correlation value 0.593, it meant that the correlation between the effects was in the Coefficient Interval range 0.400-0.600 with Fair Correlation level.


Writing Attitude, Writing Anxiety, Quantitative Correlative Research.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v2i0.642


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