Effect of Differentiation of Product Design, Prices and Promotions (online customer review) Regarding Product Purchase Decisions at Korean Beauty Shop on the Shopee platform
This research aims to determine the effect of differentiation design products , prices and promotions (online customer review) against decision purchase products at Korean Beauty Shop on the Shopee platform. This research was conducted using a quantitative qualitative approach, collecting data using questionnaires and distributing them via Google Form to selected Korean Beauty Shop consumers using the Purposive Sampling technique . The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression using SPSS. This research proves that there is influence significant differentiation design products , prices and promotions (online customer review) against decision purchase products in the Korean Beauty Shop on the Shopee platform , there is a significant influence of differentiation design product to decision purchase products in the Korean Beauty Shop on the Shopee platform , there is no influence and the price is not significant decision purchase products in the Korean Beauty Shop on the Shopee platform , there is a significant influence of promotion (online customer review) against decision purchase products at Korean Beauty Shop on the Shopee platform . Study This contribute For enrich understanding about How behavior consumer influence purchasing decisions with see variable differentiation design products , prices and promotions (Online customer reviews)
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v2i0.643
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