The Influence of Leadership Style, Teamwork and Compensation on Employee Performance

Nur Kholisa Ramadiani Djandjan, Ahmad Nizar Yogatama


The focus of this research was to find out how leadership style, teamwork, and compensation impact employee performance in the Spectrum Pool and Cafe. Explanatory research with quantitative methods is used. This study used convenience samples. Thirty respondents were selected as samples. Multiple linear analysis and partial regression testing are used to analyze the data. IBM SPSS statistical application helps in data processing. The results showed that employee performance was partly influenced by leadership style, teamwork, and compensation. It is expected that future research will expand the research topic, make the findings more general, and apply the findings to various business industries. Furthermore, this study will add variables such as work discipline, work motivation, communication, and other variables.


Compensation, Employee Performance, Leadership Style and Teamwork

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