Composite Stock Price Index: Inflation, Interest Rates and Exchange Rates
The aim of this research is to determine the influence of inflation, interest rates and exchange rates on the Composite Stock Price Index on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. This research uses associative research which aims to analyze the relationship between one variable and another variable or explain the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. To propose this hypothesis, multiple regression tests, hypothesis testing, and coefficient of determination are carried out. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. From the results of this study it is concluded that inflation has a positive and significant effect on the composite stock price index, interest rates have a negative and significant influence on the composite stock price index, the exchange rate has a negative and significant influence on the composite stock price index, and simultaneously inflation, interest rates and exchange rates has a significant effect on the composite stock price index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020 - 2023.
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