Employee Work Performance: Motivation, Training and Work Environment

Nugraha Pratama


This research aims to determine the influence of motivation, training and work environment on employee work performance at Perum Bulog Divre I North Sumatra, Medan. The population of this study were employees at Perum Bulog Divre I North Sumatra, Medan, totaling 39 employees. This research uses three independent variables, namely Motivation (X1), Training (X2), and Work Environment (X3) while the dependent variable is Work Performance (Y). The research approach used uses an associative and quantitative approach. Data collection techniques in this research are interviews, documentation studies and questionnaires. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, T test, F test and coefficient of determination. Based on the data that has been collected, there is an influence of motivation, training and work environment on employee work performance at Perum Bulog Divre I North Sumatra, Medan. The results of the research show that using the t test (partial) it is known that motivation has a positive and significant influence on employee work performance at Perum Bulog Divre I North Sumatra, Medan, training has a positive and significant influence on employee work performance at Perum Bulog Divre I North Sumatra, Medan, and the work environment also has a positive and significant influence on employee work performance at Perum Bulog Divre I North Sumatra, Medan. By using the f test (simultaneous), it is known that motivation, training and work environment have a significant effect on employee work performance at Perum Bulog Divre I North Sumatra, Medan.


Motivation, training and work environment, work performance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v2i0.851


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