The Influence Of Service Quality, Trust And Company Image On Customer Satisfaction At Bank BCA Syariah Kcp Lhokseumawe

Azalia Juliana, Sa'id Ramadhan, Edy Sutiar, Riska Riska, Zikri Akbar


This research aims to determine the influence of service quality, trust and company image on customer satisfaction at Bank BCA Syariah KCP Lhokseumawe. The place where this research was carried out was at the BCA Syariah Simpang Empat office, Banda Sakti, Lhokseumawe, Aceh. The population in this study is all BCA sharia KCP Lhokseumawe customers, totaling 9000 customers as of December 31 2023. The sample in this study was 100 respondents. The method used to support this research is a quantitative approach using SPSS 25.0 software. The research results showed that the service quality variable had a partial effect on customer satisfaction at BCA Syariah KCP Lhokseumawe. Furthermore, trust has a partial effect on customer satisfaction at BCA Syariah KCP Lhokseumawe. Furthermore, the company image partially influences customer satisfaction at BCA Syariah KCP Lhokseumawe. Furthermore, service quality, trust and company image simultaneously and significantly influence customer satisfaction at BCA Syariah KCP Lhokseumawe. The correlation coefficient (R) value of 0.781 indicates that there is a strong relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable of 78.1%. The R2 value is 0.610, this shows that the influence of the independent variables of service quality, trust and company image has an influence on customer satisfaction at BCA Syariah KCP Lhokseumawe by 61% while the remaining 29% is explained by other variables outside this research.


Company Image, Trust, Service Quality

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