The Effect Of Profitability, Liquidity, Company Size On Capital Structure (Study On Real Estate And Property Companies) Listed On The Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) For The Period (2020-2022)

Putri Fadia Ikrima, Cut Rani Maghfirah, Kasih Tamara, Junaida Junaida, Zahara Kharisuani


This research delves into the intricate dynamics of capital structure decisions within the context of real estate and property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period spanning from 2020 to 2022. The study aims to scrutinize the interplay between profitability, liquidity, and firm size, and their impact on the capital structure choices made by these companies. Employing the panel regression analysis method, this research endeavors to unveil the nuanced relationships between these key variables. Drawing data from the annual financial reports of the sampled companies sourced from the official IDX website, this study undertakes a rigorous empirical investigation. By employing a panel regression framework, it seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of how profitability, liquidity, and firm size collectively influence the capital structure decisions of real estate and property firms in Indonesia. The findings of this research are anticipated to offer valuable insights to a myriad of stakeholders including investors, policymakers, and corporate executives. Understanding the determinants of capital structure within the real estate and property sector is crucial for making informed investment decisions, formulating effective regulatory policies, and devising optimal financing strategies. Moreover, the empirical evidence generated by this study could potentially contribute to the existing body of knowledge in corporate finance and serve as a foundation for future research endeavors in this domain.

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