The Role of Personal Branding in Mediating the Influence of Social Media on Decisions to Select Legislative Candidates
Legislative candidates or legislative candidates are candidates for people's representatives who will sit in the honorable council, namely the People's Representative Council (DPR), be it DPR Level II, DPR Level I and Central DPR. In order to be able to sit in a seat in the DPR, you need to take part in the legislative candidate election contest which is held every 5 years. The objectives of this research consist of 3 (three), namely the first is to determine the impact of social media on the decision to elect legislative candidates, the second objective is to determine the impact of social media on personal branding, and the third objective is to determine personal branding on the decision to elect legislative candidates. The entire Permanent Voter List (DPT), totaling 662,664, is the population in this study. The sample was determined as 100 respondents using the Slovin Formula. To find out the respondent's description, descriptive analysis was used. So that the questionnaire used is valid and reliable, validity and reliability tests are carried out. In order for the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable to be known, it is necessary to test the research hypothesis. The research results show that there is an influence of social media on the decision to choose legislative candidates, there is an influence of social media on personal branding and finally there is an influence of personal branding on the decision to choose legislative candidates.
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