The Role Of Aneuk Jamee Culture In The Forming Of Millenary Characters In The Industrial Revolution 4.0
The Aneuk Jamee tribe is one of the tribes in the province of Aceh, with the largest population in the South Aceh Regency. From the historical side, the Aneuk Jamee tribe originated from Minang Kabau, West Sumatra Province, most of the customs and cultural habits of the Aneuk Jamee tribe and Minang Kabau have similarities. However, it is just that the Aneuk Jamee culture has been mixed and influenced by Acehnese culture. This paper discusses how the Aneuk Jamee culture exists in the formation of children's character in the era of disruption of the industrial revolution 4.0. The development of the digital world is overgrowing in this era. It has resulted in many aspects that continue to change from ordinary to unusual, such as economic, political, educational and cultural aspects. Besides having many positive sides, especially in terms of practicality in the management of various things, of course, these changes also have a negative impact. From the social order side, the most dominant thing seen from the influence of this digital world is the occurrence of social aridity in various lines of social life. For example, children tend to become more apathetic and individualistic. Aneuk Jamee tribe culture has many values that can be guided by millennial generation children, so they have global character and insight but do not leave their culture.
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