Analysis Of Semiotics In The Photo Events Of The Ramadan Mudik Events In The Analisa Daily Newspaper

Muhammad Said Harahap


Photos in print and online media are used to channel ideas, communicate with the public so that it can influence the reading community. Journalistic photos are photos that contain factual news value. Meanwhile, human interest photos are one of the photography works that depict human personal life or human interactions and emotional expressions that show humans with their life problems. So, as part of photojournalism, a human interest photo must contain news value, text completeness, and have a good photo aspect that is able to give an emotional touch to the audience. The purpose of this study is to find out the meaning of human interest and to find out the meaning behind the sign in the photo of the Ramadan and Mudik events in Medan on Medan Analysis Daily. The research method used is a qualitative research method because this analysis relies on denotative meanings and connotative meanings and myths. The data collected is data on the duration of Ramadan events that occur between May - July 2019. Analysis of the data used is a semiotic analysis, which is an analysis that studies how humanity, understands things that cannot be mixed up by communicating them. The results showed that photographs of Muslim activities in the month of Ramadan and Mudik were shown to have an element of human interest, this can be seen in terms of taking pictures on the photo. The composition in the focus of the image is focused on the lighting settings taken into account. Shooting is also presented in the form of a large size display (big close up) so as to give a more dramatic impression.


human interest, semiotic analysis and photojournalism

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