Cultures of Nyao People at Mosso Village in Borderland of Papua Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
The Indonesian state has a plurality of ethnic cultures that inhabit the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). These ethnic groups have their own unique and distinctive culture, Information about the cultural life of various ethnic groups in fndonesia has been carried out through various research activities, but there are still many cultural live of ethnic groups that have not been informed. so research on the culture of Nyao people living in the Indonesian border region and Papua New Guinea (PNG) is very necessary carried out in order to obtain in depth information about cultural life, which can later be used as a capital of development today and in the future in improving the level of welfare and happiness of the lives of people living in the Indonesian border region. collect information (data) on the culture of the Nyao people. Field data was collected through interview techniques, by interviewing several informants Ondoafi (chief), community leaders, community members who knew the cultural life of the Nyao people. Nyao people know and have an indigenous social structure, which has the function of regulating all social interactions among Nyao people and the others, based on the values, norms, cultural rules of the Nyao people. The person knows and has an original social structure, which has the function of regulating all social interactions between the Nyao people and others, based on the values, norms, cultural rules of the Nyao people. Her daily activities are hunting, gardening, and trading at the border using simple technology. the community order is led by a tribal chief called teha pahri who leads the traditional rituals and belief systems. to survive the people of Nyao adjust to the environmental conditions and developments that exist in their customary territories
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