The Role of Intercultural Communication Skills in Cultural Transforsmation for Student

Mavianti Mavianti, Rizka Harfiani, Gunawan Gunawan


The purpose of this paper is to describe the role of intercultural communication skills in cultural transformation for students. This paper uses a qualitative approach. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Culture has a huge influence on verbal language. Even culture also influences encoding and decoding in the communication process. In addition, culture also affects the structure of individual thought processes and non-verbal behavior. Intercultural communication is influenced by differences regarding the individual itself which includes individual personality, age and even physical appearance. Then it takes appropriate skills in conducting communication with different cultures so as not to cause disputes. So intercultural communication skill has a significant role in cultural transforming cultures for learners. This will foster love and motivation for students towards ancestral culture that does not deviate from Islamic law so it needs to be preserved. Even students also need to get teaching about intercultural communication skills thus able to accept and apply such expertise as the next generation of the nations


Intercultural Communication Skills, Cultural Transformation, Student

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