Intercultural Communication of Malays with Banjar Tribes in Pekan Tanjung Beringin Serdang Bedagai Village
Indonesia has cultural diversity which is one of the national identity and wealth, especially in Serdang Bedagai. Intercultural communication is important so interaction or adaptation between ethnic groups can work well. Serdang Bedagai became one of the overseas places that were visited a lot, especially by the Banjar tribe.This study aims to find out how the intercultural communication between Malay and Banjar tribes in Pekan Tanjung Beringin Serdang Bedagai Village, using speech code theory. The method in this study is qualitative with interview data collection techniques and data analysis techniques using data reduction, data exposure, and concluding. The results showed that intercultural communication between Malay and Banjar tribes went well because it used Indonesian when interacting. However, communication barriers also occur, because there are differences in cultural and linguistic background between the Malay tribe and the Banjar tribe.
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