The Barrier on Intercultural Communication of South Thailand Students in Medan

Alan Bangun Siregar, Hendry Syahputra Hsb


South Thailand Students who are studying in Medan face some barriers in intercultural communication. As we know that communication and interaction are the main factor on the successful of learning process and building good relations in the society. The present research objective is to analyze the barriers on intercultural communication and how to solve the barriers incurred. This research apply Anxiety or Uncertainty Management Theory (AUM) and the methodology employed is qualitative method by searching, analyzing and making interpretation of the data found that consist of documents, interview process and observations. The informants are South Thailand Students who are studying in Medan. The results findings showed that the barriers of intercultural communication that South Thailand Students face were perception, language and motivation. The main barrier of these students to make an interaction in society is language factor and in the learning process at the university


barrier on intercultural communication, south thailand, students, uncertainty management theory

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