The Existence of Television in the New Era Media
The existence television as information media nowadays keep compete with the presence of social media and news application. Most people using television as their information refrence and easily got affected to trust the information from television. Nowadays smartphones become the important thing for many people, and it makes television being forgotten as a trusted source of information. But, there is many difference between spreading news from television and social media. In this case television need to be under the supervision of Indonesia Broadcasting Comission (KPI), meanwhile social media keep tend to spreading hoax information which is misleading people to get information. The purpose of this research to analyze the existence television in the new media era. The research method were using in this research is descriptive qualitative. There were five informants in this research, communication students and active with student press at Medan City. The subject of research who in daily life watches television for minimum two hours, and have at least two social media applications. The results show us that many various factors influence of credibility of broadcasting institutions and reduced people interest in watching television.
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