The Adaptation Process of South Thailand Students in Medan

Ayu Fitri Azhari, Muhammad Fachri Syahreza


South Thailand student are foreign student who stay in Medan. The main problem is there are some obstacles for them to communicate with local resident and they need the ability to adapt in new environment. The researchers want to find out how their adaptation process in Medan. This research use Anxiety & Uncertainty Management Theory and the researchers interviewing and making an observation in their residence. Based on research result we found that there are some obstacle to communicate with local resident like the difference language and culture. But as time goes by they can adapt in local resident because they often communicate and interact with local resident and some of them take a part in local organization in their college and also some of them being a seller in around their residence in some certain time. The conclusion is they need more time in adaptation process in local residence.


Adaptation, Intercultural communication, South Thailand Students, Culture

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