The Society Perception on the President Joko widodo Remark to Sandiaga Uno as His Former Political Rival

Irsan Mulyadi, Ekky Nusantari


The main objective of this research is to analyze the Perception of Society on the President JokoWidodo Remark to Sandiaga Uno as His Former Political Rival. Television shows the statement of President JokoWidodo predicting former Chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) Sandiaga Uno as a strong candidate for the President of Indonesia in 2024, Jokowi made the remark during a speech before the members of HIPMI in Jakarta on 15 January 2020. This research method that is using descriptive qualitative research methods.Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. Theories used in this research are Perception Theory and Cultivation Theory. The informants of this study consisted of four informants with various professions as journalists, entrepreneurs, housewives and entrepreneurs. The results of this research are the Perception of Society on the President JokoWidodo Remark to Sandiaga Uno as His Former Political Rival that it send the message that the process of embracing political opponents of JokoWidodo was continuously explored to maintain stability of the country.


perception, President JokoWidodo, cultivation theory, politics

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