Consumption of Halal Product as Islamic Economic Culture in Indonesia

Mutiah Khaira Sihotang


Consumption is a main activity in the economy. Islamic economics regulates how the people do good consumption of goods or services. Consumption of halal goods is an obligation for Muslims. Indonesia is a Muslim majority country that has a high level of consumption. The large variety of products on the market, especially food and beverages provided by producers, makes the Muslim community especially more careful in terms of deciding to consume an item. Halal label is one important factor for Muslim consumers to use an item. Islam teaches its people when they consume goods or services, they should think of two things, halal and good. The method in this paper is literature study, which uses available literature. Consumption of halal goods is a good and positive culture for consumers in Indonesia and this can be a jargon for the majority of Muslim countries in Indonesia as the largest consumer in Indonesia. I consume halal products


Consumption, Halal Goods, Culture, Islamic Economy

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