Mathematical Concepts in Desa Na Ualu Batak Toba Tribe

Suvriadi Panggabean, Elfrianto Nasution, Marah Doly Nasution, Tua Halomoan Harahap


The Batak Toba tribe has known the journey of the moon and stars every day since ancient times. Batak people are accustomed to observing the rising and setting of the sun, observing the location of the stars in the sky, observing the light of the Panenabolon horizon and comparing it to the state of the wind and weather and dividing the direction of the cardinal directions point into eight called Desa Na Ualu (eight cardinal directions) namely purba (east), anggoni (southeast), dangsina (south), nariti (southwest), pastima (west), manabia (northwest), utara (north), irisanna (northeast). This is proof that the Toba Batak tribe has known the eight cardinal directions since ancient times. The symbol of the Desa Na Ualu can often be found in Gorga in the Batak Traditional House and other artifacts. This research would discuss and demonstrate mathematical concepts in Desa Na Ualu (eight cardinal directions) namely: the concept of points, lines, angles and map of the cardinal direction


Keywords: desa na ualu, point, line, corner, cardinal direction.

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