An Analysis of Antilanguage in Shemale Community

Dewi Juni Artha, Laolla Irawan


This study aims to describe the daily language used by shemale community at jalan Martubung Medan. The objective of the study were to describe the antilanguage and their meaning used in Shemale Community. This study also aims to find out the expressions of antilanguage used in shemale community. To find out the reasons why they used those expressions. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The findings of the data analysis showed that there are five characteristics of antilanguage namely relexication with the total numbers 24 times, over lexicalization with the total numbers 12 times, homophone with the total number 2 times, abbreviation with the amount 3, creation with the numbers 4. The findings showed that the meaning used by the characters are the contextual meaning, depending on the situation or given context because antilanguage has many meanings on their languages. The findings in this research have shown that language is created as communication and interaction tool in the transsexual community. This research is not only based on glossary tract but also field study involvement, which is show that the language is created by the community.


antilanguage, shemale community

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