Experimentation of Think-Pair-Share Approach Using Active Learning Method Type of Self Assessment in Creative Writing Poetry Materials Study From Learning Outcomesstudents of Education Language and Literature Indonesia FKIP UMSU
This study examines the Experimentation of the Think-Pair-Share Approach with the Active Learning Method TType of Self-Assessment in Poetry Creative Writing Lecture Material Viewed from Student Learning Outcomes of Indonesian Language and Literature Education FKIP UMSU. The results of the analysis of researchers on creative writing poetry found that students' poetry was judged to lack attention to the quality criteria of word choice (diction), creativity using rhymes (poetry), and the use of figurative language. In addition, the low student learning outcomes in creative poetry writing are caused by inaccurate learning approaches applied by lecturers in learning creative poetry writing. The purpose of this study is to answer the questions: (1) whether the think-pair-share approach with the active learning method of self-assessment type can provide better learning outcomes in the creative writing material of poetry students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education FKIP UMSU, (2) whether the conventional learning approach can provide better learning outcomes in creative poetry writing material for students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education FKIP UMSU, and (3) which of the think-pair-share approaches with the active learning methods of self-assessment and conventional types both in terms of student learning outcomes in creative poetry writing lecture material. The method used in this research is experiment. The instrument used to collect data in this study was the essay test. The sample in this study were students in semester VI class A morning as the experimental class and semester VI morning class B as the control class. Based on the results of the study, there were significant differences between the students' writing skills in the experimental class and the control class. The conclusion of this research is the results of learning to write creative poetry of students in the experimental class has increased and significant differences with the control class after being given a think-pair-share approach to the method of active learning self-assessment type.
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