The Existence of Malay Language in The Flow of Modernization in Medan City
The early history of Medan can not be separated from the existence of ethnic Malay. But the existence of Malay ethnic groups in the city of Medan continues to be eroded in the dynamics of modernism-based development. This can be seen from the existence of the use of Malay language in Medan City which is increasingly inaudible. The Development of Modernization Flow and Establishment of Medan as a Metropolitan City assumed as one of the factors causing the loss of Malay language existence in the city of Medan. Therefore, this paper aims to explain how the existence of Malay language in the flow of modernization in the city of Medan. This research method uses a literature study approach and field observations with several informants from a Malay family who settled in Medan City. The results showed that first, some Malay families living in Medan City no longer use Malay in their daily activities. Secondly, there is no support from outside parties such as the government and Malay traditional institutions. Especially in socializing the use of language in several public activities or at least include Malay language in local content subjects in schools in the city of Medan.
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