Endless Agrarian Conflict in Malay Land

Rahmat Ramadhani


Agrarian conflicts that occur in Malay lands in this paper are about land conflicts that occur on cultivated lands or lands that are ex-Business Use Rights (HGU) of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II (PTPN) which occurs in several districts in Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The study in this writing focuses on the problem of resolving agrarian conflicts related to tenure rights over cultivated land by community groups faced by the North Sumatra provincial government. Writing analysis was performed using quantitative analysis methods based on normative juridical research patterns. Based on the research results, it can be understood that resolving agrarian conflicts that occur in Malay lands requires a very long time, cost and process. This is due to the complexity of tracing the history of ownership and control over previous land so that the existing conflicts have also hampered the implementation of agrarian reform in Malay lands


conflict, agrarian, land, Malay

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