The Approach to Indonesian Language and Literature Curriculum in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Society 5.0
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has hit the world in the last three years.Indonesia is also not spared. There are four implications as theresult of the industrial revolution 4.0 such as (1) the use of the internet in all of life, (internet Things), (2) the use of data (big data), (3) the use of sophisticated computer networking (cloud computing), and (4) the useof machine learning(machine Learning).In addition, the Society 5.0 is also developed in order to meet the revolution 4.0. It is a society in which intelligent human factors utilize technology to regulate and control technology for the benefit of humanity itself.These five factorswill affect aspects the teaching and learninginhigher education.In accordance to such a typical condition, thispaper will discuss thecurriculum of Indonesian language and literature. Before the demands of adjusting the curriculum of languageand literature Indonesia withrevolution industry 4.0 and the society 5.0, the Ministry of Education and Culturehasissued two basic policies forcurriculum development namely 1) the equality of the curriculum of higher education with the world of work, known as curriculum Framework of Qualified National Indonesia (KKNI) classified into nine level of competence (level 1 up to 9) and 2) then theadjustment of the higher education curriculum to national standards of higher education (SN-higher education)must meet ninestandards (level).Adaptation curriculum languageand literature Indonesiawill be assessed from the aspect of content,lecturemodel, andassessment process.
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