Stylistic Analysis on The Collection of Poetry Texts Written by Students of SMA Islam Taallumul Huda Bumiayu

Cintya Nurika Irma, Taufiq Khoirurrohman, Agustiani Nur Afrikah, Nanik Zuyinatul Lutpa


This current research is intended to describe the figures of speech and imageries of poetry texts. It employed qualitative approach as it used descriptive data in form of written texts. The data of this research was the collection of poetry texts written by grade X Bahasa students of SMA Islam Taallamul Huda Bumiayu. The procedure of data analysis consisted of three steps: 1) data reduction; it was the process of selecting and focusing on the poetry texts written by grade X Bahasa students of SMA Islam Taallamul Huda Bumiayu. This process was conducted repeatedly during the research. 2) Data display, which is the description of the systematically classified data by using lingual units that are needed to analyze the poetry written by grade X Bahasa students of SMA Islam Taallamul Huda Bumiayu. 3) Conclusion making of the poetry texts written by grade X Bahasa students of SMA Islam Taallamul Huda Bumiayu, which is aimed at answering the research question. The result revealed that metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and irony figure of speech were found in the texts. In addition, two imageries were also found: auditory and visual imagery.


Stylistic, figure of speech, imagery, poetry

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