Implementation of Cooperative Learning Methods in The Learning of Islamic Religious Education In Darur Rahmad Sambas
Now it is very much needed to increase the learning of Islamic religious education in order to shape student, intellectual and emotional intelligence.The product quality of education is determined by the teacher in the learning process, because however good a curriculum (official), the results are highly dependent on what is done by the teacher in the classroom (actual). Mastery of the teaching methodology is far more important than the provision of subject matter (al-Thoriqoh ahamm min al-hymn). A study of the problems in this study include: (1) How is the Islamic religious education learning method implemented by teachers in school (2) Cooperative Learning educational approach can improve the quality of teaching Islamic education in Darur Rahmad Sambas High School. This study applies the quality methods and cooperative learning from any action researchers. The study was carried out in SMA Darur Rahmad Sambas. Source data from class X, the subject of study consists of 25 students.
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