School Gardens as a learning approach and their effects on Students in Primary School
Gardening play an important role to humans well-being. It not only provides the source of food but also teaches a lesson that related with other subjects such as math, science, environment and others. Some schools are garden-based learning or school garden, they bring the gardening into a classroom to be an educative and fun activity for students. It has been shown that school gardens have significant of positive impacts on direct and indirect academic outcomes (William & Dixon, 2013). There are many benefits of gardening in the school. This essay will examine the effect of school gardens on students academic achievement. I will focus on direct and indirect effects on academic performance. I argue that school gardens can improve students academic achievement directly and indirectly. School gardens have potential to promote the students physical, mental and emotional health. The finding shows that Garden-based learning can improve students academic achievement in different pathways such as math and language art. However, to meet the effectiveness, school gardens should be designed properly and collaboration from all of the stakeholders are needed.
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