Community Social Phenomenon as A Preventive Action and Disaster Mitigation of Longsor Disasters in Simalungun District

Jehan Ridho Izharsyah


Disaster is a natural change both natural disasters or disasters impacting human activities. In these activities humans as actors and recipients of impact. Based on data collected through research conducted in 2016, landslide vulnerability was 34,233.85 Ha or (7.91%). But some of the activities of he disaster did not occur in the area of vulnerability but occurred in the area of the level of vulnerability. The focus of this research is to find out social phenomena that are carried out as a preventive and mitigation measure for landslides. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach using theory literacy and case study analysis with SWOT strengthening. The results of the study showed that the government of Simalungun Regency was not effectively carried out by the Simalungun Regency government. According to the SWOT analysis of rainfall intensity, soil genesis, steepness of the area affects, weaknesses of legality and synergy factors are also not owned by the government such as local regulations and cooperation with stakeholders, The recommendations of the results of this study are that the government must draw up a regional regulation to strengthen the territorial and spatial structure and provide development participation to the community as a form of development and social phenomena as development stakeholders.


Social Phenomena, Preventive Actions and Mitigation

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