Ideology Mangupa Horja Godang Oral Tradition of Indigenous Angkola Community
Horja Godang tradition in the context of ideology is as a system of public trust that must be accomplished for a pride although there are times the couple have to sell an existing property to support it. So this Mangupa Horja Godang tradition tend to serve as a prestige to set an image for the haves in the community. When couples do not perform this traditional ceremonies they are considered to have a traditional debt that must be paid when they have the means. The analysis results of performance data of Mangupa Horja Godang found the local knowledge values such as: a) the human relationship with God, b) the meaning of human life, c) the human relationship with the natural surroundings, d) the human relationship with time, e) the behavior to be industrious and enterprising, thrifty, and religious, to get along peacefully with each other; f) the aesthetic value of humility, customary of politeness, g) the expectation that the marriage will be the marriage of a lifetime; h) The value and Ideological significance of indigenous material derived pangupa animals, plants, and derived from nature.
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