Optimization of Corporate Social Responsibility in Maintaining the Existence of Malay Culture in Medan City, Indonesia
Malay culture, which includes language, customs, arts (dance and song), food (culinary), historical buildings (Maimun Palace and Grand Mosque), and its human resources have contributed a lot to the progress and existence of Medan City. The Malay culture of Medan City is also the pride of Indonesia and provides dynamism in the journey of the nation's civilization. However, over time, there is concern that the Malay culture of Medan City will disappear and become increasingly unattended. This requires the participation of companies to participate in maintaining the existence of Malay culture in the city of Medan. This role can be carried out by optimizing the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, in particular through social sector programs that are passed down to various activities. This descriptive writing with qualitative analysis aims to determine the company's optimization efforts through CSR in maintaining the existence of Malay culture in Medan City. The results of this paper indicate that CSR programs must be optimized in the social sector with activities that focus on Malay culture. The CSR program must also provide funding assistance in preserving the preservation of several buildings, such as the Maimun Palace and the Great Mosque. In addition, there is also scholarship assistance for the Malay community.
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