Antecedent factors of Entrepereneurial Business success in Post-Covid 19

Junaidah Hanim Ahmad, Siti Dalina Tumiran, Maheran Zakaria


This study aims to propose a framework of antecedent factors of entrepreneurial business success. The proposed factors are to explain the underlying constructs that lead to entrepreneurial business success. The study begins by highlighting the predicaments faced by entrepreneurs in pursuit of success. Next, it reviews the theory and prior literature before formulating the framework and developing hypotheses. The study proposes four factors namely self-efficacy, digitalization, social support and passion for work. Despite the fact that several frameworks have been developed, they are less likely to simultaneously focus on those four predicted variables. Additionally, prior framework proposed by previous studies are less likely to consider the impact of Covid-19. Thus, the proposed framework will assist business owners, academics, policy makers, and poverty eradication agencies in formulating strategies and interventions to end poverty and improve sustainability of entrepreneurial businesses in post-Covid19.

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