The Effect of Leadership Behavior And Leader's Trust on Employee Performance at Aceh Social Services

Febyolla Presilawati, Nuzulman Nuzulman, Aldi Haviz, M Dharma Nauval


Determine the effect of leadership behavior and leader trust on employee performance at Aceh Social Service. Using Quantitative Methods. The number of samples was 58 respondents. Research data were collected through questionnaires and documentation studies. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis, F-test and t-test is intended to determine simultaneously and partially the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable at the 95% confidence level (? = 0.05). The results of the study based on the simultaneous test showed that the variables of Leadership Behavior and Leader Trust had a significant effect on employee performance at Aceh Social Service. While partially, the leadership behavior variable has a significant effect on employee performance at Aceh Social Service. Leader trust has a significant effect on employee performance at Aceh Social Service. The most dominant variable that has a significant effect on employee performance at Aceh Social Service, namely Leadership Behavior.


Leadership Behavior, Social Services

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