Entrepreneurship In the Development of The Global Economy in The Era of Society 5.0

Alia Rahmadani, MHD Husein Pasaribu, MHD Hasan Pasaribu


In modern times, business actors can easily carry out entire operational activity by using Technology. In addition, with the development of industry 5.0 today, AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been developed which can help work automatically. We conducted this research by distributing an online survey questionnaire to the public to find out the level of public interest and approval regarding the application of technology in the business field, where the survey results we obtained based on the distribution of surveys, 48.3% of the public strongly agreed, 37.9% of the public agreed, 3.5% of the public disagreed, and 10.3% of the public strongly disagreed regarding the application of technology in the business field. Based on the results of this research, we can conclude that the level of public interest related to the application of technology in the business field is high.


Entrepreneurship, Global Economy, Development, Society

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.115


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