Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Kembang Kuning Village, Sikur District, East Lombok

Lalu Adi Permadi, Weni Retnowati, Hilmiati Hilmiati


The purpose of this study was to analyse and identify the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Kembang Kuning Village, Sikur District, East Lombok. The research method used in this study is a mixed method. The strategy analysis pattern used in analysing the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy is a SWOT analysis. The Sustainable Tourism Strategy of Kembang Kuning Village that needed to be implemented is a progressive SO (Strength-Opportunity) Strategy that balances the tourism practices with local wisdom and environment. This strategy not only uses strengths and takes advantage of opportunities but makes balanced tourism activities. In this context, to make Sustainable tourism in Kembang Kuning Rural Tourism, several improvement steps should be done.


Sustainable, Tourism, Development, Strategy

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