Could Modify Marketing Mix with Relatability Factor Affect Consumers Brand Advocacy at Small Medium Enterprises?: a Literature Review

Ayu Nur Utami Siwi Hariyati


This article will bring a discussion about the relatability factor that applied to marketing mix strategy could result in consumers brand advocacy. A business, big or small, needs its consumers, their loyalty, and their advocacy in order to gain maximum profit. Through this article, there will be an answer on how the applied relatability factor on marketing mix strategy could affect SMEs brand advocacy. This study is using literature and systematic review to discuss the related topic. Incorporating various relatability factors into the marketing mix strategy does indeed make the company gain a positive impact, thus resulting in a positive effect on brand advocacy. Creating differentiation between competitors in a marketing mix could lead to a more impactful presence of SMEs in the market, and incorporating relatability into the marketing mix strategy is one way to gain the company many benefits in the future.


brand advocacy, digital marketing, marketing mix, relatability

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