Investing In Cryptocurrency Through The Lens Of Islamic Economics

Baihaqi Ammy, Andri Soemitra, Zuhrinal M Nawawi


This research is library research or library research. The data collecting technique employed is the Foundation of the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijtihad Qiyas, about Cryptocurrency Investment in an Islamic economic perspective. From this conclusion, the government must protect investors who make Cryptocurrency investments, namely in terms of rules, the government must make regulations specifically in dealing with legal protection for investors and in the view of Islamic economics, other cryptocurrencies are an illegal investment tool because they contain gharar, maysir high recovery (chancy). However, as a digital money transaction, Cryptocurrency is covered in muamalah, especially buying and selling that is allowed. Cryptocurrency investment in the Islamic Economy as a legal currency is permitted as long as there is no harm and does not affect the people as money methods. Several Muslim countries such as Egypt, Iran and Turkey prohibit and regulate the use of digital currency, while Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have approved their use.


Cryptocurrency, Investment, Islamic Economic Perspective

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