Analysis of Productive Zakat Management Based on PSAK No 109 For Economic Empowerment (Case Study of Amil Zakat Agency Banda Aceh)

Hermansyah Hermansyah, Zulkifli Umar, Tarmizi Gadeng, Asmarudiansah Asmarudiansah


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the management of productive zakat based on PSAK No. 109 to increase economic empowerment (Case Study of the Banda Aceh Amil Zakat Agency). The analytical model that will be used is descriptive analysis method, which is a type of research that aims to provide a systematic, factual and accurate description of the data in the field which is focused on the management of productive zakat based on PSAK No. 109 to increase economic empowerment. The results show that the utilization of productive zakat which can be utilized by mustahik for trading and other businesses is regulated in several articles in Qanun Number 7 of 2004 (regarding zakat management in Aceh) and Qanun Number 10/2007 (regarding Baitul Mal). Baitul Mal, Banda Aceh City, has distributed zakat for the benefit of mustahik's productivity. Then the distribution of productive zakat distributed by Baitul Mal in Banda Aceh City, there are two systems, namely a revolving system (revolving productive zakat) and a non-revolving system (productive zakat). ZIS Accounting Financial Reporting Based on PSAK No. 109 in Baitul Mal Banda Aceh City are starting from Recognition (recognition of assets, acknowledgment of recipients of funds and acknowledgment of use of funds), Measurement, Presentation (statement of financial position, reports of sources and users of funds, cash flow statements and notes to financial statements) and Disclosure


Productive Zakat Management, ZIS Accounting

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