Analysis of The Effect of Cost Accounting Information on Financial Performance, Dividends and Stok Prices (A Case Study on A Cigarette Company Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2021)

Chindy Marga Reta, Marhaendra Kusuma, Agus Athori


A cigarette company, which is one of the manufacturing companies in Indonesia, experiences increases and decreases in its financial condition every year, especially in company profits. These conditions will affect financial performance, the company's obligations to pay or distribute dividends, and its share price. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of cost accounting information on financial performance, dividends and stock prices.The results of the test show that the information provided by cost accounting proxied by the cost of goods sold has a positive effect on financial performance, dividends and stock prices. The cost of goods sold describes the total direct costs incurred from the goods produced. Thus, the company can find out how much spending is used, and the company's ability to generate profits that will be used to see how well the company's financial performance is to distribute dividends and attract stock investment. The originalization of this research is a different object and examines stock prices that did not exist in previous studies.


cost accounting, financial performance, dividends, stock prices

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