The Effect of Perceived Price and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction

Iip Saepulloh, Abdul Rauf


This study aims to analyze customer satisfaction at RM Pecak Bandeng Sawah Luhur. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods to determine the effect of perceived price and service quality on customer satisfaction at RM Pecak Bandeng Sawah Luhur. The tool used in this study is the Partial Least Square (PLS) based Structural Equation Model (SEM). PLS is a component- or variant-based structural equation model (SEM). PLS model evaluation is done by assessing the outer model and inner model, used to test 100 samples (respondents) obtained from the slovin formula. The results of this study indicate that perceived price have a positive effect on customer satisfaction and service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction


Perceived Price, Quality Service.

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