Factors That Influence Online Purchase Decisions On Marketplaces In Medan City

Novi Aisha, Efry Kurnia


This study aims to partially and simultaneously determine the influence of product diversity, information quality, trust, and convenience on online purchase decisions on marketplaces in Medan City. The approaches used in this study are associative and quantitative approaches. The population used is all medan city consumers who have made online purchases on existing marketplaces. Nonprobability sampling is by using accidental sampling by distributing questionnaires of 100 respondents whose calculations are based on the slovin formula. The data analysis technique in this study is quantitative data analysis, namely by testing Classical Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression Test, t Test, F Test and Coefficient of Determination. The results showed that there is an influence of product diversity on online purchasing decisions, there is an influence of information quality on online purchasing decisions, there is an influence of trust on online purchasing decisions, there is an influence of convenience on online purchase decisions. Simultaneously, there is an influence of product diversity, information quality, trust, and convenience on online purchase decisions on marketplaces in Medan City.


Online Purchase Decision, Marketplace

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.156


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