Consumer Purchase Intention for Fashion Products Mediated by Social Media Reviews on E-commerce Platforms

Noviawati M W, Yong Dirgiatmo, Cheery Pur D, Soraya Widyadana, Meatry K


This study aims to determine the relationship between brand identity, brand image and brand interaction that influence consumer purchase intentions on e-commerce platforms. This study provides an empirical test by adding social media reviews as a mediating variable. 108 samples were sourced from consumers who bought fashion products through e-commerce shopee. The sampling technique uses a convenience sampling technique. Validity analysis used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method, reliability analysis used Cronbach's Alpha method and hypothesis testing used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) program. This study shows that brand identity and social media reviews have a significant effect on purchase intention. Brand image and brand interaction have a significant effect and are mediated by social media reviews. This research provides insight to e-commerce to increase sales through the factors of brand identity, brand image, brand interaction and social media review.


Brand Identity, Brand Image, Brand Interaction, Social Media Review, Purchase Intention

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