Business Recovery Strategy in Post-Covid 19 Economic Turbulence: a Literature Review

Jon Kenedi, Syamsul Amar, Rosyeni Rasyid, Helmi Ali


This study aims to find strategies for the recovery of the Covid 19 business that has hit the world since the end of 2019 based on a review of previous research and relevant publications. the research method used is a literature study on research and publications put forward by authorized institutions and having competence in the fields of business and economics. Data is collected using documentation techniques through a review of research results and policies taken by institutions that focus on business and economic issues. The results of the study show that the government must provide a fiscal stimulus to encourage start-up-based entrepreneurship and restore existing entrepreneurs through better value creation through increased productivity in order to be able to market products and services. In line with the fiscal stimulus, the government must build a competitive business environment and create synergy, tough and sustainable.


Business Recovery, Economic Turbulence.

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