Comparison of Raw Material Inventory Control Using EOQ, EPQ, and Kanban for Production Cost Efficiency


This study aims to (1) analyze the raw material inventory control of shallots using the EOQ, EPQ, and Kanban methods at CV. Sahabat of fried shallot producers in Kediri Regency, (2) analyze the application of the EOQ, EPQ, and Kanban methods in making production costs efficient at CV. Sahabat. The results of this study indicate that the amount of raw material used for shallots using the EPQ method is more economical than the EOQ and Kanban methods. Production cost efficiency obtained by the EPQ method is also more efficient than by the EOQ and Kanban methods. The novelty of this study is to compare three methods of controlling raw material inventory to make production costs efficient which are applied to fried shallot producers.


Inventory Control, Economic Order Quantity, Economic Production Quantity, Kanban, Production Cost Efficiency.

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