Strategy for Utilizing Village Funds Budget as an Effort for Poverty Reduction Towards Village SDGs in Taeng Village, Gowa Regency

Firmansyah Firmansyah, Syahban Nur


Rural areas in Indonesia still has a higher number of poor people than urban areas. This research was conducted to determine the strategy for using village funds in alleviating poverty in the Taeng Village area, Gowa Regency, to determine the effectiveness of using village funds for poverty alleviation in the Taeng Village area, Gowa Regency. This type of research is exploratory research using qualitative descriptive methods, attitudes and perceptions of people individually or in groups. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the village budget has an impact on several informants, namely they feel helped by the existence of a village fund budget. It can be seen from the use of village funds that are spent to meet daily needs and village funds that are managed for entrepreneurship as additional income.


Village Funds Budget, SDGs

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