Wage Management: Tracing the Story of Prophet Musa as

Nurul Jannah, Nurul Inayah, Nursantri Yanti


Indonesia issues policies to protect workers by issuing labor laws, and government regulations regarding wages, and also Islam has taught how to manage wages properly and correctly through the holy book of the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, apart from that we also get this knowledge from stories of previous Prophets, such as the story of Prophet Musa as, in his story, it is explained regarding wage management for workers, so from his story we can take ibrah and apply it so that there are no more riots or strikes that occur due to the wrong wage mechanism. This article uses a literature study approach in which this article retrieves data from literature related to the theme of the discussion. This article takes literature from several commentary books and previous research articles as support in writing this article. From this article it can be concluded that the story of the Prophet Musa taught the terms of payment of wages, namely wages agreed at the beginning before starting work, wages are given properly, wages are given proportionally, and wages are given at a predetermined time during the contract agreement


Knowledge, Prophet

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.186


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