Factors Affecting the Income of Small and Medium Industries: The Case of Teak Wood Handicrafts in Ngawi Regency

Linggar Kusuma, Muhammad Anas


Industrialization plays an important role in achieving prosperity of a country, and people in Ngawi Regency, East Java, utilize the vast natural resources and forest potential to be engaged in teak wood handicraft industry. This study aimed to estimate the effect of capital, business age, labor, decorations, spruce tree properties, animal statues, and government funds on the income of 26 teak waste handicraft industries in Ngawi Regency in 2021 using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis with cross section data. The results showed that capital, labor, and government funds had a positive effect on income, while the age of the business and decorations negatively affected income. Meanwhile, the property of spruce trees and animal statues had no effect on income. To increase income, the government is expected to increase and equally distribute capital assistance and provide training in the development of product innovation and performance to teak wood entrepreneurs.


income, capital, labor, government funds, bussines age, decorations, spruce tree properties, animal statues, Ngawi Regency, Ordinary Least Squares

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.191


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