Conflict of Dual Roles of Female Employees and Work Stress

Rahmad Bahagia, Hasrudy Tanjung


Equality of rights is no longer the main factor of women's participation, but rather reveals its function in the development of Indonesian society.

Multiple role conflict is the simultaneous occurrence of two or more role allocations carried out by one person. As a rule, dual role conflicts are often experienced by women who work and also become mothers. Work-family conflict has two components, namely interference in family matters work, work-family conflict can arise because work matters come to the family. Conflict arising from household work and all its disturbing consequences implementation of the employment function of mothers in the workplace. A adaptive response, linked by individual characteristics and psychology or processes which is the consequence of any external action, demanding situation or event special psychological and or physical persons. The results of the work can carried out by a person or group of people in an organization in accordance with authority and responsibility for their respective efforts in order to achieve goals from the Organization. Multiple role conflict can impact job stress, this shows the higher the dual role conflict of female employees, the greater their work stress


Work Conflict, Dual Role Conflict, Work Stress, Female Employee

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