The Purchase of Skincare, Influenced of Psychological Factors and Religious Value in Generation Z in Medan City

Raihanah Daulay, Efry Kurnia


Purchasing is the activity of buying goods or services through a complex thought process that occurs within a person. Through such a complex thought process consumers will assess and choose the best option. The result of the process, however, is a choice that is presented cognitively as a desire to behave. This study aims to find out and analyze purchasing decisions that are influenced by psychological factors and religious values. This study used quantitative research methods and an associative approach with a sample of 98 respondents who were students at Private Universities in Medan City. The test uses multiple linear regression analysis and hypotheses. The results of the study bahwa partial perception positively and significantly influenced the Purchase Decision, Learning has a positive and significant impact on the Purchase Decision and religious value has a positive and significant effect on the Purchase Decision. Simultaneously, perception, learning, and religious value have a positive and significant effect on skincare purchasing decisions in Generation Z in Medan.


Religious Value, Perception, Learning, Purchasing Decision

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