Improving Supply Chain Performance With Strategic Communications and Alliances

Lutfi Alhazami


The purpose of this research is to see the effect of business communication and alliance strategy on improving supply chain management performance.. The supply chain at PT Aurora Cianjur does not have good performance so that with an increase in communication and alliance strategies it can improve supply chain performance. With the help of other companies in producing products at PT. Aurora World Cianjur, companies need to establish good communication. Communication is important in the success of cooperation. Strategic alliances have an impact on the quality of cooperation in the supply chain. This study uses a quantitative method with multiple linear regression calculations. The number of respondents used was 205 as a sample of supplier companies in Cianjur city. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of business communication and alliance strategy on supply chain management performance.


Business Communication, Alliance Strategies, Supply Chain Management Performance.

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