Ultra Micro Financing Analysis for Increasing the Accessibility of Community Financial Institutions

M Galliv Al Havitz, Roswita Afni


Ultra Micro Financing Program (UMi) disbursed by non-bank financial institutions. one of the government's efforts to encourage economic progress by focusing on the development of the MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) sector, the government has distributed several program policies, one of which is the Ultra Micro Financing (UMi) program. The purpose of this study is to look at the development of ultra-micro financing in Indonesia, and to find out the public's perception of ultra-micro financing policies as an increase in the accessibility of community financial institutions. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative, by describing the results of the data generated from the relevant publication institutions. As for the results of this study, ultra-micro financing is here to answer the needs of micro-enterprises in overcoming capital problems, especially for micro-enterprises that have difficulty getting access to banking. Ultra Micro is a continuation program of the social assistance program to become business self-sufficient which targets micro businesses that are at the lowest level and cannot yet be facilitated by banks through People's Business Credit (KUR) both in the form of conventional financing and financing based on sharia principles.


Ultra Micro Financing Program (UMi), , Small and Medium Enterprises, Community Financial Institutions.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/miceb.v1i0.200


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